Looking For A New FDR
Yesterday I engaged in an e-mail spat with a prominent Obama Bot/Clinton hater from the primaries about my criticisms of Barack Obama during the primaries. This Obama Bot of course was so blinded by his Obama worship, that he had no idea that I have been criticizing Obama's post-partisan unity schtick since long before the primaries. My first post in the summer of 2006 was titled What Obama Needs To Learn Hofstadter, Lincoln And FDR and argued for, as I have since I began blogging in 2003, a Politics of Contrast. Krugman was on it in early 2007. The other day I wrote about the fact that Even Doris Kearns Goodwin Is For a Politics of Contrast and wants more FDR from Obama:
[W]hat FDR did was to say this isn‘t just an election between two men. It is between two doctrines. He laid out the difference between the Republican and the Democratic party, one concerned about government favoring the few and the other one wanting the masses to be sound and that would help the country. It seems to me Obama is missing a chance. . . . To not argue about the doctrine of the Democratic party. Yes, he wants independents. Yes, he wants to be post-partisan after wins. But right now is the time when the Republican-Democratic brand is so contrasting and I think he has desired to not be in that fight. It‘s not helping him in a certain sense.
Digby, who has been on this issue as long as I have, wrote about it again yesterday:
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