"I didn't hear a word mentioned about the middle class or healthcare or about how people are going to fill up their gas tanks. ... She never once mentioned the word Afghanistan, never once mentioned the word Pakistan," he said. "The phrase 'middle class' was not mentioned once." ...
The Democratic vice presidential nominee noted that the speech reeked of the influence of Karl Rove.
"That's sort of the Rovian way of doing things," he said. "You know, I think it's a political skill set that Republicans have used with some effectiveness over the years and so it's not surprising to me." ...
"So much of what was said was just simply not true." The senator cited taxes as one example, noting the case of Palin's sister who owns a gas station. "I should let her sister know she'd be better off under a Democratic plan."
Crafty Biden did his best to raise expectations for Palin's debate performance, characterizing her as a formidable adversary, knowing full well that he has a huge advantage in his knowledge of national and international issues.
"I think she's gonna be a pretty skillful debater. I think it'll be a tough debate for me."
Right. Biden could phone it in and still win easily. But the more people expect of the GOP's newest star, the worse she looks when she falls flat.