Ben Nelson: Obama, Reid Leaning Towards Federalist Public Option
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and the White House are leaning towards including a national public option -- with a provision for states to opt out of it -- in the Senate health care bill, Sen. Ben. Nelson (D-Neb.) said Thursday.
That seems to be the political sweetspot in the Senate. Listen to Nelson:
Nelson said he prefers allowing states to decide individually whether to create a public option or some other sort of competitor to private insurance. "A state public option I can support," said Nelson, although he added that he hasn't made any threats to oppose the bill based on the public option.
Nelson gets to vote for cloture and against the bill and still say he protected Nebraska from "government run health care," because Nebraska can opt out. The fight seems to be moving in this direction. The key now will be to make sure the Federalist Public Option is MedicarePlus (Medicare +5 rates).
Speaking for me only
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