Friday Morning Open Thread
This Greenberg poll of Hondurans is pretty funny to me:
Nearly four months after Honduran President Mel Zelaya was forced from office, he retains considerable public support, according to a new survey by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner. [. . .] Two-thirds approve of Zelaya’s performance as president. Nineteen percent rated his performance as “excellent” and another 48 percent as “good.”
(Emphasis supplied.) Zelaya has not been acting as President for the past 4 months and his performance ratings are high. Ironic. He clearly is a beneficiary of revulsion at the coup. Yet, Hondurans also want the scheduled November elections to go forward (Zelaya is opposed to them.) And get this finding - "The survey also found that [. . .] 83 percent have a negative impression of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez."
Zelaya is popular, but can not run. The election he opposes is popular. And one of his main international supporters, Hugo Chavez, is loathed. A positive endgame for Zelaya is not clear to me here. There will be an election and then it will be over.
In any event, this is an Open Thread.
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