Morality, particularly moral reasoning about male sexuality, is distorted toward insanity. Occasionally, it spills fully over into obvious and actual insanity, treating us to a brief full frontal view of the nonsensical, viscous misandry that innocently masquerades as a "healthy vigilance" for sexually predatory behavior.
Eric Williamson, in comparison to Polanski, doesn't much seem to have anything to answer for -- by a long shot. But if someone like Eric can be arrested, publicly humiliated and destroyed based on what happened inside and outside his private residence at 5:30
A.M. last Monday, I'm not sure any male is safe from this army of rampaging lunatics. This makes me absolutely sick.
For various reasons at various times, humans are naked. It happens to the best of us. Clothing is something we have the right to occasionally shed. It is necessary for bathing. Sometimes it is just needed for comfort, and sometimes the logistics of grooming and meeting contemporary standards of cleanliness require brief periods of nudity. If it were legal, I would challenge anyone to walk out late at night or early in the morning and make an effort to gaze into other people's homes. If you are successful (and you don't get arrested), I'll bet you will see some skin. And if you did, it seems the fault (presuming there is any fault in making such observations) would most likely lie entirely with you -- the gazer violating other people's privacy.
Our homes are very special places under our laws and traditions. I reserve the right to be naked in mine, and I don't even have to give a reason. That is at least partially what my home is for. It is a place for privacy and sanctuary from the demands of public life -- such as the requirement to be clothed at all times. It is a place where I can be comfortable, in whatever stage of dress or undress I so desire, for whatever reason I want.
Hyper-vigilance gone mad regarding male sexuality and exposure of the male body is quickly approaching a level of insanity under which the social order cannot be preserved. What happened to Eric could happen to most any man (a woman would never have been attacked), and if we stand by without protest we are aiding and abetting the emergence of a social order that isn't going to work for anybody. This is getting out of hand. It is crazy, and it is unnatural. This poor guy is looking at being on a predator list and losing his right to function freely in society because he chose to get coffee before he got dressed.
It has to stop. It's time we start telling these people to S.T.F.U., rather than validating their neuroses about the human body through silence. Misandry, sexual repression gone insane, and bizarre anxiety and anger about male sexuality is making our world into a very difficult place. Most of us tend to go silent and let these incidents pass, mainly because of the effectiveness of the lunatic's accusation that we are "defending rape" whenever we call their behavior what it is -- insanity. It is mental illness at it's worst -- when it masquerades as reason.
The arrest of Eric Williamson is absolutely despicable. It is absurd. How much more of this are we going to be able to take before somebody has the guts to say enough is enough?