Afghanistan Is Not Iraq
In order to prepare Americans for Obama's Afghanistan escalation speech tonight at West Point (at least he's not wearing a fighter pilot costume), White House officials have been dispatched to speak to the media (anonymously, of course) to preview all of the new and exciting aspects of the President's plan. [. . .] [A]nyone with a memory that extends back for more than a few weeks, all of this seems anything but new. In December, 2007, George Bush delivered a speech to the nation announcing his escalation in Iraq -- that one only 20,000 troops, compared to the 30,000-40,000 Obama has ordered for Afghanistan. [. . .] I'm not comparing the Iraq and Afghan escalations: only the rhetoric used to justify them.
(Emphasis supplied.) I think the end of the quote is the rub. Afghanistan is not Iraq. And indeed, that may make Bush's policy defensible and Obama's indefensible. I do not think so. I think the reverse. I understand Glenn's point - do not accept at face value the justifications presented by the government - any government. But let's evaluate the arguments on the merits. Tonight we'll all listen to President Obama and then we can argue the merits.
Speaking for me only
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