
Saturday Morning Open Thread

This is an Open Thread.

Update (TL): If you missed Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer, you can watch the full unedited videos at HuffPo here.

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    On John Stewart: Bull$i773r? (5.00 / 4) (#2)
    by Faust on Sat Mar 14, 2009 at 11:23:14 AM EST
    John Stewart is an interesting fellow. On the one hand he is one of the few well positioned media voices that offers  a critique of the media. His appearance on crossfire remains famous, and now he has many years later, offered us yet another media smack down. In between he pokes gently at the media absurdities; it's not hard to do with video montages demonstrating their insipid "analysis" of the issues.

    However. Despite his protestations that he offers "merely" a comedy show, and that he is a "clearly labeled snake oil salesman," I do wonder at what point people enter into a position of responsibility with regard to the truth of things. John Stewart has many people on his show. For example Brian Williams gets on there repeatedly. And yet I doubt Brian Williams will EVER get the kind of treatment Kramer got, even though he most definitely should. Stewart here is taking advantage of a cultural mood that gives him room to roast someone. And yet it is quite clear that MANY of his guests could be critiqued in a similar fashion. Why does he not do this?

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