Acupuncture Helping Inmates Curb Drug Addiction
[photo by Baltimore Sun]
An acupuncture program in Baltimore jails has been helping 700 inmates a year curb drug addiction:
Modern science has not found solid evidence that it works. Nonetheless, the inmates claim that with acupuncture, all they crave are the meditative moments it brings. They say it soothes them and helps clear their cluttered minds to find the strength to confront their addiction.
District Judge Jamey Hueston thinks every addict should try it....Acupuncture is the key element of the Addicts Changing Together Substance Abuse Program, administered by the drug court. Beginning for women in 1993 and for men three years later, the program steers nonviolent offenders to a rigorous 45-day, behind-bars regimen in lieu of a longer prison term.
How it works: [More...]
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