Conservative, progressive and libertarian intellectuals alike have argued that we ought to legalize marijuana. The Post's editorial board has long called for an end to the war on pot.
I'm not crazy about the regulation and control idea, I'd rather see simple decriminalization, but taxing it and making it illegal only for those under 18 is a sound approach. Especially if the taxes go to fund treatment programs for those who use dangerous drugs.
Marijuana is not a dangerous drug. It's been improperly classified as such for decades. As the Post says,
Legions of studies have shown that marijuana isn't addictive. And as recent U.S. presidents have shown, use of the drug, even when inhaled, doesn't in and of itself ruin a person's chance at achieving full and productive lives. Yes, pot users face risks as potentially as devastating as other drugs. So do drinkers of wine and beer.
The editorial also highlights the cost of prohibition. It closes with an argument why the feds, not just state and local governments must act:
If you write your Congressperson today and send a copy of the editorial, asking them to introduce a bill to decriminalize adult marijuana use, will they do it? Maybe not today, but the time is coming.