Defending Michael Hertz, et al.
Defending who? Why the government lawyers who wrote this brief (PDF). Actually, this diary is an attempt to defend the Obama Administration for the positions Hertz and Company took on behalf of the illegal surveillance case discussed here by Glenn Greenwald (btw, good on Olbermann. I have ripped him more times than I can count so I owe him a kudo.)
Of course the problem is not with Messrs Hertz, et al. The issue is the POLICY of the Obama Administration that authorizes the assertion of the defenses raised. And yes, the authorization of these defenses does constitute policy. We are all hopeful the courts will reject these arguments but the Obama Administration has embraced these views, which reflect Bushism on steroids.
So congrats dkos diarist, you have done a fine job of defending Hertz and Co. Not so good a job defending President Obama and Attorney General Holder.
Speaking for me only
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