
French Inmates Saddle Up For Bike Tour

The BBC has an interesting article about a program in France in which 194 prison inmates are about to take off on a 1,500 mile bicycle tour that ends in Paris. They will be accompanied by 124 guards.

The goal: To get the inmates "back in the saddle," and learn "team work and self-esteem."

There's a video showing them training for the race.

They will have to cycle in a pack, will not be ranked and, for obvious reasons, breakaway sprints will not be allowed.

According to a prison official:

"We want to show them that with some training, you can achieve your goals and start a new life,"

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    Please keep us posted on how this (none / 0) (#1)
    by oculus on Thu Jun 04, 2009 at 11:05:57 AM EST
    turns out.  The juvenile courts here used to "place" delinquents on wagon trains in AZ.  This might be more practical.

    I heard about this on BBC this morning--great idea (none / 0) (#2)
    by jawbone on Thu Jun 04, 2009 at 05:47:43 PM EST
    Hope it works out and others get the opportunity as well.

    Looks like the French still believe in rehabilitation and going on to a normal life after paying one's debt to society.

    What a concept!