Political Bargaining: Pelosi's 'Sociopathic Indifference' To HCR
Pelosi is planning to include a government-run public option in the House version of the healthcare bill. She wants to model it on Medicare, with providers getting reimbursed on a scale pegged to Medicare rates. "The speaker is full-steam-ahead," said a senior Democratic aide.
Speaker Pelosi is rejecting the Ross-Waxman deal that Blue Dog Ross already rejected. Of course, the normal course, insisted upon by the JournOListers, would be for Pelosi to appease Ross and take the legislation further to the right cuz, you know . . . 'health care reform' . . . 'don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good' . . . 'Dems are chumps' . . and all that. Indeed, it is time for Matt Yglesias to accuse the Speaker of "sociopathic indifference."
Speaking for me only
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