
Denmark May Withhold Info on David Coleman Headley Due to U.S. Death Penalty

Denmark has information on David Coleman Headley, aka Daood Gilani, the American born man with dual Pakistani-U.S. citizenship. accused in Chicago of plotting both the Mumbai attacks in 2008 and the planned attack on a Danish newspaper.

Denmark won't provide information to a country that is seeking to execute the defendant. The charges against Headley include death-penalty eligible offenses, although the U.S. has not filed a notice of its intent to seek the death penalty. [More...]

Since Headley is cooperating with the U.S., it's unlikely the U.S. will seek the death penalty against him.

They ought to announce that now, so that they can get whatever evidence Denmark has to offer.

National intelligence service PET may be unable to provide crucial information on the terror plot against Jyllands-Posten newspaper to US prosecutors, reports Politiken newspaper.

The case against David Headley, the Pakistani-American charged with plotting to blow up the newspaper’s offices in Copenhagen, is currently ongoing in the US. Federal prosecutors have indicated they may seek the death penalty for Headley, if he is found guilty. He is also being charged in connection with the deadly bomb attacks in Mumbai, India in 2008.
American authorities will probably rely on PET for information – certainly that pertaining to the Jyllands-Posten part of the case, but also additional records of any phone calls or communication made to other people that the FBI believes have connections to terrorist organisations.

However, Denmark’s policy is that it does not extradite persons who may risk being sentenced to death, nor does it provide evidence to foreign authorities that may hand down a death sentence to a convicted criminal.

It's very easy to resolve the dilemma. Headley has two lawyers who have undoubtedly been trying mightily to prevent a death penalty charge from being filed. That's why he's still talking.

If the U.S. is serious about cooperating with other nations in international terror probes, it must take the death penalty off the table.

Headley and his co-defendant Rana had no plans that we know of to strike the U.S. Mumbai and Denmark have a greater interest in him than we do.

It would be a good diplomatic move for the U.S. to take the death penalty off the table now, so it can receive the information Denmark has to offer.

As I've written many times, Headley is no stranger to the U.S system where you cooperate against another to get a better deal for yourself.

Clearly,negotiations are underway with Headley and his goal is to get the death penalty off the table. The U.S. should announce asap that it won't seek death (it's already apprarent to the rest of us it won't) so it can receive the intel and info Denmark has amassed,

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    cooperation (none / 0) (#1)
    by diogenes on Wed Feb 03, 2010 at 11:18:58 PM EST
    "If the U.S. is serious about cooperating with other nations in international terror probes, it must take the death penalty off the table."

    You might say that the potential for the death penalty is what is motivating Headley to cooperate and taking it off the table would shut him up.  That's worth a whole lot more than amorphous potential from Denmark.