
Senate Still Voting on Reconciliation at 1:00 am

It's 1:00 a.m., do you know where your Senator is? Voting in the Senate to table the GOP amendments to the Reconciliation health care bill.

Watching on C-Span, it seems like they are all there. The latest defeat: The Bunning amendment, which would have allowed seniors to opt-out of Medicare Part A. 97 voted, it was killed 61 to 36.

If you have insomnia tonight, you can follow along on C-Span, they could be going all night. An "aye" vote is to kill (table) the Amendment.

On to the next one. Chuck Grassley. It wants to delay some provision by 30 days. Republicans are so silly. Max Baucus says it's designed to send the whole bill back to the House. Here comes the vote, all 100 names will be read out loud again.

The New York Times has a late report here.

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    That's my translation (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by CoralGables on Thu Mar 25, 2010 at 12:30:34 AM EST
    If any amendment passes the entire bill gets sent back to the House to be voted on again, so the GOP will keep throwing them up there hoping for a winner.