Sunday Night Open Thread
I'm doing too many things at once tonight, trying to blog while watching TV, while cooking dinner. I had a whole post on "60 Minutes" and the Nada Prouty segment, but accidentally closed the window and it's gone. Too bad, because the segment prompted me to access the court documents on PACER which are very interesting. She has no legal remedies so she's trying to make her case in the media, in hopes of getting Congress to somehow restore her citizenship. Her lawyer is also planning to sue some bloggers:
[Attorney] Zaid is preparing to sue bloggers and news media outlets who that persist in calling Prouty a Hizballah spy and is contacting members of Congress and the Obama administration in hopes of restoring her citizenship or permanent resident status.
I'm also trying to follow Pacific and decide whether to give Breaking Bad (on AMC) another chance. It may just be too depressing. I'll probably watch Celebrity Apprentice instead, to see whether Poison's Brett Michaels and Rod Blagojevich survive another week.
What's on your mind tonight? This is an open thread, all topics welcome.
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