Sunday Night TV and Open Thread
Boycott Arizona. Here's a list of the state's House and Senate members. Here are the Senate sponsors of S.B. 1070. Here are the Senators who voted for and against it. Arizona needs 17 people to run against them, or if the deadline has passed, to campaign for their opponents.
The Arizona House passed the bill on April 13. Here's the list of Arizona House members. Here's how the House members voted. 35 House members need to be replaced in November.
Tonight on TV: A new episode of "Breaking Bad," Celebrity Apprentice, the Pacific, Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters. It will be sad to watch Bret Michaels, knowing he is still in intensive care in critical condition. Since the show is taped, I hope tonight isn't the episode where he gets fired. Send good thoughts his way.
This is an open thread, all topics welcome.
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