Going Nuclear To Kill A Fly
Senate Dems' strange decision to change an arcane rule (one of many) that makes the Senate utterly dysfunctional is not being met with cheers by the "reform the Senate" crowd. Ezra Klein wrote:
Here’s what happened: Mitch McConnell wanted to bring up the president’s jobs bill, which Harry Reid is still modifying in an effort to win more Democratic votes. He wanted to do so for a simple reason: Sans modifications, the bill would fail and the Democrats would be embarrassed. McConnell tried a legal but arcane maneuver to suspend the rules after cloture and force a vote. [. . .] Reid objected [and] forced a majority vote on the parliamentarian’s ruling. The vote succeeded, and the rules were changed to outlaw McConnell’s maneuver.
This is known in the Senate as the nuclear option. It is a way to change the rules with a simple majority. [. . .] It was, in truth, an odd issue over which to go nuclear. [. . .] Democrats changed a rule because the Republicans were annoying them.
Senate Dems did not go nuclear to pass a stimulus or jobs bill when they controlled the Congress. Senate Dems did not go nuclear to pass the public option. They did it to stop the GOP from annoying them with a pointless political grandstand vote that no one will remember in a week. Just dumb.
Speaking for me only
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