Mitt then gets caught in the ad denial dept. He said he was unaware of an ad that said Newt referred to English as being the language of the ghetto. Wolf then found a copy and said at the end it said "I'm MR and I approve this message." Whoops.
The ad text:
Gingrich enriched himself with Freddie Mac, one of the principle companies responsible for the mortgage collapse that has caused so much damage in our community. Reagan would have never joined forces with Nancy Pelosi as Gingrich did for advancing the extreme left agenda. And Reagan would have never offended Hispanics as Gingrich did when he said Spanish is the language of the ghetto. Now, searching for votes, Gingrich wants to change history. But the facts speak for themselves. Paid for by Romney for President, Incorporate.
Boos for Mitt from the hooters and hollerers.
Santorum has a little meltdown and says Mitt & Newt should stop the petty focusing on Newt's lobbying and Mitt's wealth and get back to issues. Crowd agrees. Newt gives Santorum a little smile, he liked that.
Wolf is tone-deaf. He comes right back with a question to Newt about his attack on Mitt's taxes. He responds he agrees with Santorum, no more questions about taxes. Crowd booes Wolf. But Newt can't pass up the chance to make Mitt explain, and he agrees Mitt should answer the question. Mitt then gives a simple, good explanation.
Santorum is very outmatched. He seems very inexperienced, like he's running for class president, not U.S. President. Ron Paul wants to get rid of the 16the Amendment. (Memo to Ron Paul: The Constitution is not a rough draft. )
Is Ron Paul too old? He reminds Wolf there are laws in this country on age-discrimination. Will he release his medical records? Of course, they're about one page. He'll challenge anyone to a 25 mile bike ride. The others all attest to his healthy state. Wolf asks the others if they'll release their medical records. Newt says yes.
Now that we have prescription monitoring databases in almost every state, will any reporter ask them to release their prescription history?
That's it for me, time to watch the Winter X Games.