Wired reports:
One suggestion, penned by “Ibnul Irhab” in the new issue of Inspire, is to run up on parked cars with gas cans and a matchstick. “How safe will the West feel when parking their cars, knowing they’re up for a TORCHING,” Irhab writes. His helpful tips: avoid CCTV cameras; hide the gas in an apple juice bottle; and, importantly, “don’t get petrol on yourself.” This is what Open Source Jihad bills as “America’s worst nightmare.”
Nor is it safe to drive to the store or the office. Inspire encourages the inspired to smear “lubricative oil” on roadways right before sharp blind turns to cause a traffic accident. (“Demolition Derby Style,” it promises.) If that doesn’t sound terrorist-y enough, another tip is to hammer nails into a pegboard painted black so oncoming cars blow out their tires. There’s even a chart explaining the physics behind car crashes for Inspire’s slower readers.
It's called Operation No Parking:

On page 10, AQAP publishes a hit list it calls "Wanted: Dead or Alive for Crimes Against Islam." It includes: Molly Norris, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Flemming Rose, Morris Swadiq, Salman Rushdie, Girt Wilders [sic], Lars Vilks, Stephane Charbonnie, Carsten Luste, Terry Jones, and Kurt Westergaard.
The message on the cover:

There is even a picture of Trayvon Martin next to a photo of President Obama, with derogatory labels under each (I've left out the labels.)

A few articles are written by women. A few bash gay marriage. One defines al-Qaeda. Another says America will not profit from the death of Anwar al-Awlaki.
There are instructions for torching cars and causing car accidents and other disasters.

The theory seems to be to lay the economic tab on the insurance companies, and when it gets high enough, they will cause the U.S. to change its ways. (Rather naive of them.)

Highways are a good target:

There are best timing suggestions:

Other tips seem like a take on American culture. I wonder why, if they hate us so much, they use our cultural references when speaking to their followers. There's Chitty Chitty Bang Bang:

And wild west desperado-type images and slogans.
There's a q and a section. If the President is too big a target, try a past leader, like Bill Clinton or Condoleeza Rice.

The new emblem for the lone jihadist: A hoodie.

They remind their followers it's best to work alone:

What will be U.S. law enforcement's response to this? Unfortunately,probably more physical and electronic surveillance and traffic stops here at home.