[Deleted: photos of last text of W8 at 7:08 pm. The phone records show a 4 minute call at 7:12, so there's no reason to believe his phone went dead before 7:08.]
While it's up to the judge whether and how much evidence of Trayvon's drug use, fighting and interest in guns is admitted, it sure seems that the state would be wise to refrain from introducing evidence of Trayvon's good character in its case in chief. The defense has plenty to rebut it. Trayvon texted others he had gotten in trouble at school for fighting both on Jan. 6 and Feb. 14.
Yesterday, the defense filed another batch of discovery. It included 80 photos of evidence taken at the FDLE office. Among the photos are ones of Trayvon Martin's tan pants. They have stains (that look like grass stains) on the knees. I think they make a good case that as Zimmerman claims, Trayvon was on top of him on the grass, holding him down as he hit his head into the ground.
The defense also supplied several items that support Zimmerman's defense: emails about burglars in the neighborhood that got away, instructions from the homeowners association telling residents to report suspicious persons, and tweets about burglars being arrested for neighborhood burglaries. One of the burglars lived in the neighborhood.
The defense also intends to introduce Angela Corey's announcement of Zimmerman's arrest.