From the defense bar:
John Cunha, a former president of the Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, called the leak “disgraceful” and said that Murphy acted outside his bounds as a member of law enforcement.
“Does he think he’s our appointed champion against the fourth estate?” Cunha said. “Give me a break.”
Marty Weinberg
The leaked photographs “infect” that process, he said. “This is a profoundly serious experiment in American justice,” he said. “Can we give a fair trial to the least popular man in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? I’m sure we can, but why make it more difficult?”
Murphy leaked the photos because he didn't approve of the Rolling Stone cover shot which he thought glamorized Tsarnaev.
The New York Times published the same photo on its front page months ago. (Rolling Stone cover here.) What's the big deal about Rolling Stone? Time Magazine and Newsweek featured Timothy McVeigh on their covers. Is it because Jahar doesn't look miserable and like he's suffering? Would this be better?

Of course, no one would publish photos of Jahar from five or six years ago and suggest he still looks like this now (/sarcasm.)

Has anyone read the Rolling Stone article? It has some interesting insights into his background. Some of those interviewed have previously made statements to the media. Most are provided a pseudonym, so we can't really tell how well they knew Jahar and how long ago their last contact was with him. Remember the "friends" that were only too happy to talk about Adam Lanza, when they hadn't seen him since kindergarten or the fifth grade? It doesn't seem to me like some of his closest friends, those who insist he's innocent, agreed to be interviewed. I hope they are saving their comments for the defense mitigation expert.
Tsarnaev's life as he knew it is over. With or without the death penalty, he's unlikely to leave prison except in a pine box. He'll be in a maximum security prison, probably in solitary, for years. Judy Clarke's toughest job may be convincing him he has something to live for, even in prison.
There is no need to continue to demonize Tsarnaev. If he committed this crime, he'll be convicted and punished. Should the United States declare its intent to execute this 19 year old, the least it can do is look him in the eye first.