India May Be Softening Stance on Shami Witness
India Home Minister Rajnath Singh gave a statement to Parliament about the arrest of Shami Witness yesterday.
"The interrogation of Mehdi Biswas has indicated that his activities were limited to posting and reposting of pro-ISIS (as the IS was previously known) material on his Twitter account and social media sites," the minister said.
...He used to visit prominent IS-related sites, mostly those in the Arabic language, and then used Web-based tools to translate the contents into English and repost the material on his Twitter account, Rajnath told Parliament.
He didn't call Shami a terrorist or jihadist, instead describing him as someone who "interacted with people on social networking sites 'on matters related to jihad'." He portrayed him as more "swagger than substance."
Other senior Indian officials told the Telegraph police would not have arrested Shami but for the media pressure. [More...]
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