The first fighter says the Islamic state is expanding and the U.S. coalition, including Arab countries, can't stop them. They will come and slaughter everyone with Allah's permission. If one gets killed, others will take his place. He said his motivation was having experienced the "criminal Pershmerga" attacking Mosul and harming women and children. The second fighter threatens the Peshmerga.
They are dressed identically. When they get off traffic duty, they go to an empty field and very quickly and expertly assemble identical missiles of some sort and set them on identical portable missile stands. .

They then walk a short distance and set them off by remote control. There are people around them shouting "Allahu Akbar" and they smile and nod and each raise a finger.
As they walk away they have big smiles, their faces are a mixture of a sense of accomplishment, confidence and happiness. (For viewers who don't have a problem with ISIS bombing its enemies, it's a "feel good" moment.)

This isn't a blood and gore video designed for adrenaline junkies. It's a video aimed at those seeking acceptance and a family. Its message is "You have a home with us, we will welcome you and accept you and you will be one of us."
It's too bad the video is for ISIS. Otherwise it would be a great public service announcement for the hearing impaired, showing prospective employers that being deaf doesn't hold them back and they can do a job just as well as the non-hearing impaired, while at the same time showing fellow deaf citizens and the rest of us that the inability to hear or speak doesn't stand in the way of leading a fulfilling and joyful life.
I don't think there's any question that ISIS' appeal to recruits is the result of its savvy media production arm and its videos. Maybe Hollywood ought to think about taking its investigators off copyright infringement duty and instead of searching for illegal uploaders and downloaders, go find al Hayat's media production team and recruit them.
How could it do this? Maybe if Hollywood made similarly high quality videos aimed at recruiting the production team, and offered each member a million dollar salary, a mansion in LA and a new Toyota truck, and spread it via the internet, along with an 800 toll free number promising anonymity and free and safe passage, they'd come. Of course, DOJ and the Pentagon would have to get on board and promise immunity from prosecution and safe transport to the U.S.
Once here, they could make anti-ISIS videos that could actually compete with ISIS videos, even once ISIS is able to replace defecting media team members. Of course this won't happen because America would be too afraid they might be "lone wolves." But most "lone wolves" are also looney, and these media guys are anything but looney. They're just savvy.