
What Will U.S. Do With Umm Sayyaf?

Daily Beast has an update on U.S. captive Umm Sayyaf, widow of the Abu Sayyaf, killed in the U.S. raid. Apparently, she may be held for months without charges. The U.S. still hasn't decided what to do with her.

What happens if the U.S. captures numerous ISIS fighters in Iraq or elsewhere? Will a new detention center have to be built? Is their long-term detention authorized under the old AUMF? There are a lot of unknowns.

I'd still like to know the real name of Abu Sayyaf and his role in ISIS. The various pseudonyms and descriptions so far are unconvincing. Can't we at least have a photo?

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    "a new detention center..." (5.00 / 2) (#1)
    by Mr Natural on Fri Jun 12, 2015 at 06:29:15 PM EST
    "held for months without charges..."

    Where's Don Draper?  It's time to ReBrand Gitmo.

    Suggestions, anyone?

    The Cuban Center for the Study of American Exceptionalism