
Comey Eats His Letter to Congress, Writes Another One

This would be comical if it weren't so reprehensible. After barging into the national election like a steamroller, James Comey now goes all Emily Litela and says, "Never Mind." Here's his letter to Congress clearing saying once again, no reasonable prosecutor would file a case against Hillary Clinton.

As to Hillary, Weiner's computer yielded a big fat zero.

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    The whole episode (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by Ga6thDem on Mon Nov 07, 2016 at 11:09:44 AM EST
    was beyond disgusting.

    If there was ever a robust rationale for ... (5.00 / 2) (#2)
    by Donald from Hawaii on Mon Nov 07, 2016 at 12:43:44 PM EST
    ... terminating an FBI director's tenure short of completing that post's 10-year term, James Comey provided it with his decision to insert himself front and center into this whole overblown email controversy. As a direct result, his personal intentions and professional judgment have been rightly called into question.

    That extraordinarily ill-advised letter to GOP congressional leaders 10 days ago was deliberately vague and opaque in its suggestions of potential wrongdoing, and was further sent in defiance of specific DOJ guidelines regarding the handling of politically-related inquiries and investigations during an election period. It was nothing short of inexcusable, and Democrats have every right to be absolutely livid with Comey's conduct and to demand his head on a platter.

    Setting aside for the moment the FBI director's well-known political affiliation and those aforementioned personal intentions, there is no question that his actions have already impacted the election campaign adversely, blunting one party's momentum at a critical moment when prospective victory was potentially turning into an across-the-board rout of the opposition.

    Arguments currently being offered by Comey's defenders, that the renewed FBI inquiry into Clinton-related emails ultimately proved to be much ado about nothing from a legal standpoint, are completely beside the point here. While Mrs. Clinton's own electoral chances were likely not affected all that much, Democratic candidates down ticket may end up paying the price for this entirely unnecessary episode of manufactured drama.

    We would never tolerate a similar politically-motivated incursion into our country's electoral processes by active-duty military commanders of the Joint Chiefs of Staff or elsewhere. And we should expect no less from our senior law enforcement officials across the country, as well.

    Director Comey needs to go, as does everyone else at the FBI whose smudgy fingerprints are found on this garish and ghastly display of agency defiance and institutional arrogance.


    there are many adjectives i want to be (5.00 / 2) (#3)
    by cpinva on Mon Nov 07, 2016 at 01:12:47 PM EST
    associated with the FBI Director, "comical" is not one of them. once you've reached that stage, it's well past time for you to go.

    Trump wants to drain the (none / 0) (#4)
    by fishcamp on Tue Nov 08, 2016 at 04:06:13 PM EST
    swamp in Washington, but Comey already pulled the plug, and is circling the drain.  Maybe some of the alphabetical hooligans will pay more attention to what they're supposed to do, instead of what they want to do.  
