Trump's Big Orlando Rally
Posted on Sun Mar 06, 2016 at 08:56:00 AM EST
Tags: Donald Trump, 2016 (all tags)
After the Kentucky results came in last night, Trump gave a press conference (see my last post for a recap.) During it, he touted his campaign rally in Orlando earlier in the day. He said there were 20k people at the event, and they turned another 10k people away. This got me curious. Who goes to these rallies, and what does he say at them that makes so many people want to attend? Does he give the same speech at his rallies that he does during debates and in press conferences?
To answer my questions, I watched his very long speech in Orlando. I'm assuming you won't want to, so here's a recap.
His opening words were like a shout out to the uneducated (who of course wouldn't realize it.) He said:
We're not going to be the stupid country anymore. We're not going to be the stupid people anymore. We're going to be a smart people.
Then he attacked Rubio as the "little nasty guy." Then he attacked Cruz as a liar, saying "He holds up the bible, then he puts it down and he lies.
On Jeb Bush: "I used to listen to Jeb Bush before he flamed out. "
He says something about the time four weeks ago that Hillary called him a sexist, and he got back at her and Bill. He refers to it as the time "She got a dose." Why did he pick that word? I'm no shrink, so feel free to skip this paragraph, but I'd bet this is his stream of consciousness at work when it comes to word association: Sexist morphs into sex, morphs into an STD, and comes out as a "dose." So his first association for a word with sex in it is something negative. Interesting.
He says Bernie's done. "He had his time in the sun." What did him in? Defending Hillary's emails in the debate. He says he called it right away. The minute he heard Bernie say that during the debate he said, "Bernie, you just blew the election." And, he complains, the press didn't give him credit for calling it. The media are "the most dishonest human beings on earth. They are disgusting, dishonest human beings."
There were a lot of protesters at the rally. He claimed "We love protesters." But each time one would come to light, he'd say in a disgusted tone, "Get him out of here." or "Get rid of him." Once he added, "Don't hurt him." Another time, after one was escorted out, he quipped, "Go home to Mommy."
At one point he says, and this is a direct quote, "I wish we had some real protesters with guns." [Correction: I apparently misheard. He said "guts" not guns." Sorry.)
Interestingly, there were these 3 young guys behind him through the whole speech. One had a cross between a buzz cut and a faux Mohawk. He seemed to be the leader. They were so front and center I couldn't even watch Trump (as opposed to merely listen to him) because they dominated the screen visually for the whole speech.
They didn't react to anything Trump said. The middle one sniffled a lot (like he had done too much coke, but of course, that's speculation.) He flashed a lot of signs (using one, two or three fingers, see photos below), kept taking out his phone and putting it back, and sharing what was on it with his two friends.
At first I thought they were security. Every time the middle one flashed a sign or texted something or whatever he did with his phone, another protester would get escorted out. Then I wondered if they weren't with the protesters. It seemed like they were plants, directing the protesters, telling them when to make their move. After Trump got done speaking, it looked like police or secret service physically escorted them out. So they were probably with the protesters. But how did they get so close to Trump in the first place?
Actually, the middle guy did laugh at Trump's Mommy joke -- it was the only thing I saw him react to. He actually laughed so hard he spun around (like a dance move.) Here he is after he turned back around, still laughing hard.
Then there was an episode we've all seen before. Remember when a woman fainted at a Trump rally? Well it happened again. Really, what are the odds of this happening again. The whole thing seemed staged by Trump to me. Here's how it played out.
Trump says:
We need a doctor. A woman fainted. We love people who faint. Are you okay darling? Take your time. Take your time.
He pauses his speech while she's being attended to. He says, "She's been here for 7 hours. We'll send you flowers. You're going to be fine."
Then the cameras pan to a sick looking woman being wheeled out of the venue.

Then a big bouquet of flowers, obviously from a florist, appear. He says, coyly, "Oh, those are for me?" He immediately follows that with, "Here's what I want you to do. Run up and catch that woman and give those flowers to that woman. That's nice. That's nice."
That whole thing seemed scripted to me.
Trump moves onto ISIS. He says if General Patton or McArthur were around, ISIS would be gone already. He gives the same waterboarding explanation he gave in his Saturday night press conference. Then he adds a story. First, he asks the audience if he should tell a "rough" story. Then he launches into a story about a General Pershing. (If you've never heard of him, it's probably because he was in the Philippines around WWI.) Here's the story, as told by Trump.
In 1919 "they" had a problem with radical Islamic terrorists. They caught 50 terrorists. They called in General Pershing. (It's not until the middle of his story he mentions this took place in the Philippines, not the U.S.)
They rounded up a lot of pigs and shot bullets into them. Then they removed the bullets from the pigs, which were covered with pig fat and pig blood. Then they used the same bullets, still covered with pig stuff, to shoot 49 of the 50 terrorists. When it was time for the 50th terrorist to be shot, they walked up to him and gave him the bullet saying it was intended for him. He didn't want it, but he took it. They told him, "Go back and tell your people there will be no more terrorism." Trump says, "For 28 years there was no more terrorism." He tells the audience to go look it up. (Added: I just did, and Snopes says there's no documentary evidence supporting this happened. Urban Legends thinks it's false and would have been against Pershing's character. It seems to be a story spread on the internet.) Trump's dates also seem off. Pershing was in the Philippines from 1899 to 1903 and again from 1906 to 1913.
While there, he led American forces against several tribes, collectively called “Moros,” who were resisting the United States’ control. The fighting was difficult and flared off and on for several years. During his time in the Philippines, Pershing learned the Moros’ language and studied their customs, which helped him gain their respect and confidence. One of the tribes even named Pershing a minor noble.
Trump moves onto the topic of education. I didn't understand much of this part, but at the end he said that third world countries have better education than we do. He said people can't achieve the American Dream if they don't get educated.
Then he talked about a new hotel he's building on Pennsylvania Ave. He was awarded the contract by the GSA (Obama's GSA, he points out.) It's between the White House and the Capitol, a very coveted location. It will be very luxurious. He's bringing it in under budget and two years ahead of schedule. It will open in September, before the election. His point was that's how good a businessman he is and that's what he will do for America -- charge less and get more results. He then tells the audience, "If I don't win, I'm living on Pennsylvania Ave. anyway."
If you aren't shaking your head right now in disbelief that this man might be the next President of the United States, I honestly don't know what else to tell you.
Actually, I do know what to tell you. We get the Government we elect. So don't forget to vote.
< Trump Calls on Rubio to Drop Out, Supports Waterboarding and Torture | Nancy Reagan Dies at Age 94 > |