Joe Biden has been the nation's #1 crime-warrior and police supporter
his entire career, authoring or shepherding through Congress almost every bad crime bill of the last 30 years.
If he is elected he will be 77 years old when he takes office and 81 when his term is up, meaning in all probability, he'd be a one term president. This will put the Democrats at greater risk in 2024. Joe Biden is also politically tone-deaf, which is why his prior campaigns never took off.
If I have to support an old white man for President, let it be Bernie Sanders. He's much more progressive on crime and other issues than Biden. He's also much better than Kamala Harris who keeps re-inventing herself as she goes along. Plus, I am not voting for any recent former prosecutor. It's one thing to be a prosecutor when you are starting your career, it's another to make a career of it. I neither support nor share their values.
Unfortunately, as of now, it looks like the candidates I would support the most, John Hickenloper and Julian Castro (both of whom in my opinion would beat Donald Trump) are far behind in the polls and not getting enough attention.
If anyone should understand "three strikes you're out", it's Joe Biden. He should do some charity work (or get a job), spend time with his family and write his memoirs.