No one moved their body better than Tina. And those legs! Here she is singing Brown Sugar with Mick Jagger.
Not long after she and Ike split up in the late 70's, she performed at a lot small clubs and hotels to make money. One of those years, I got to see her in concert at the Princess hotel in Acapulco. It was an outdoor stage. No assigned seating. I don't remember where my seat was, only that the entire concert everyone was on their feet dancing, and I was right at the stage. I've never been that close to a performer during a concert. I can't find any references to her performing at the Princess that night, other than this article by a a man who was a "Bi-lingual Steward" on the Acapulco route for Braniff Airlines from 1977 to 1982.
He writes about Acapulco and all the celebrities he flew back and forth, and says, "I flew Tina Turner back to the United States after a New Years Eve spectacular she’d performed at. Not sure who was suffering more on that flight, me or her."
Tina, thank you for your music, your energy, your talent and for sharing your life story. My condolences to her husband who knows better than all of us that she was Simply the Best.
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