
Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid

From Big Tent Democrat

Even Professor Reynolds sees this dog wont hunt:

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid collected a $1.1 million windfall on a Las Vegas land sale even though he hadn't personally owned the property for three years, property deeds show.

. . . UPDATE: Reader Anthony Calabrese thinks there's probably less here than the AP story suggests:

I am a long time reader -- also a tax lawyer. While my practice does not involve real estate investments, I think it may be much ado about nothing. Generally, if you transfer property to a company in return for an interest in the company, there is no federal income tax on the transfer. If the company was an LLC (as stated in the media reports), the company was probably a partnership for tax purposes. There would be no LLC level tax as profits and losses would pass through to the partners.

So I can see no real tax issue. The only issue is that Reid might have been hiding his ownership of the property, but holding investment property in an LLC is fairly common in order to protect the owners from torts or bankruptcy. I think this is simply an issue of someone forgetting to file a form.

Good for Professor Reynolds.

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    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#1)
    by roy on Wed Oct 11, 2006 at 03:47:41 PM EST
    Since Reynolds's debunkment is just relaying a reader's opinion, he's probably doing it without attempting to fact-check. Why is it "good for Professor Reynolds" when he does this in a way that makes a Democrat look good, but it warrants a long criticism when he does it in a way that makes a Republic look good or a Democrat look bad?

    Cuz the facts are correct. Are you saying they are not?

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#5)
    by Che's Lounge on Wed Oct 11, 2006 at 04:59:45 PM EST
    A little humility is a good thing Martha.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#6)
    by Sailor on Wed Oct 11, 2006 at 05:03:23 PM EST
    BTD, Reynolds is a proven liar and a hypocrite. Why would you bother to care what he says? Aren't there any credible sources for this?

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#9)
    by roy on Wed Oct 11, 2006 at 05:28:14 PM EST
    Big Tent,
    Cuz the facts are correct.
    Irrelevant. The question of whether the claim is true or not is tangential to the question of whether a blogger is obligated to vet the claim for accuracy.
    Are you saying they are not [correct]?
    No, but I haven't tried to verify them. I'm curious, have you?

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#3)
    by scarshapedstar on Wed Oct 11, 2006 at 05:38:31 PM EST
    Er... Roy, the lies in the post you linked to aren't just "reader's opinions". They were spin regurgitated on down from the very top of the VRWC, and later shoved down the memory hole. You know, throw it against the wall and see what sticks. Are you saying that Karl and Ken are going to the mattresses for Harry Reid? Or what?

    I think you're being far too easy on Reynolds. Consider what preceded it: With Republicans, it's sex. With Democrats, it's money. Two words for Reynolds: Jack Abramoff. Two more: Tom Delay. Two more: Bob Ney. Two more: Duke Cunningham.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#7)
    by jarober on Wed Oct 11, 2006 at 05:38:31 PM EST
    Hmm. It probably is nothing. On the other hand, if it were a Republican, TL would be in full overdrive by now, and using Reid's hang up on an AP reporter last week as evidence of guilt.

    Gunner: I have verified it. The comment is absolutely correct in every essential. I would not haveposted it otherwise. I believe Reynolds did the same. Do you know he did not?

    Jeralyn, I would like to offer the above 10 comments as exhibit one in the case for why your decision to move this site from being about crime and injustice to being a liberal left-wing media organ was a very bad decision. You used to offer so much more that was actually interesting. Stuff that made people stop and ask why and what is wrong. Now all you do is offer defenses for every Democrat caught out screwing up and slime every Republican you can throw mud at. And yeah, it's your site, but it used to be a much better site before the looney tunes left took over.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#13)
    by roy on Wed Oct 11, 2006 at 06:32:06 PM EST
    Big Tent,
    I believe Reynolds did the same. Do you know he did not?
    Like I said, he "probably" didn't. It is just a guess based on style and context. Since you're working from the belief that he did, my comments above probably seem plain idiotic.

    Just Paul, this site hasn't changed its focus in four years. It has always been about politics and crime, primarily crime and the crime in the politics, meaning the politics of the present Adminstration. See the about page. I am grateful to Big Tent Democrat for his purely political posts. This is election season. I want the Democrats to win because while they are not perfect by any means on crime issues, they are far better than Republicans. If you scroll through today's posts, you will find almost all of them focus on crime issues. Your comment is not well-taken.

    Let's not be "Republican" and simply pooh-pooh transgressions by Democrats. The Integrity Sword must cuts both ways.

    Just Paul: Did you read my law posts? I thought they were interesting, though not crime related.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#16)
    by Pol on Wed Oct 11, 2006 at 08:03:23 PM EST
    Forgive me if this has already been brought up... Glenn Reynolds was at first skeptical about the Reid story but linked to this blog entry at Captain's Quarters.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#18)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 05:36:55 AM EST
    et al - Back on the ranch we find that all is forgiven for Reid's little foray into how politicians wind up millionares.
    The focus of the AP's report is on the fact that Reid mis-reported the transactions in his Senate financial disclosure forms
    Now, let us think. Does Reid do his own tax return? No. But he does provide the info. Let me ask. How do you forget to tell the Senate about something in the neighborhood of a $1,000,000 that you had to have told the IRS about? Now Reid is most likely wealthy, but hey, forget about a $1,000,000 transaction? And who was his partner in this forget about it situation?
    Jay Brown, a longtime friend and former casino lawyer whose name surfaced in a major political bribery trial this summer and in other prior organized crime investigations.
    Now I realize that Brown isn't an ex-Reagan aid from 18 years ago, but hey what's the deal in this forget about it situation???
    It looks like Brown did all the work and cut his friend Reid in on the deal. The AP report contains no evidence that there was anything crooked about the transactions themselves, although they apparently were never documented. Basically, the partners bought land that was zoned for residential use, and persuaded local authorities to change the zoning to commercial, then sold out to developers who put up a shopping center. Brown obtained the re-zoning in part by emphasizing Reid's participation in the deal.
    Now, it's nice to have friends, but just what did Reid bring to the table?
    The AP left out a big part of this story on Harry Reid. The "developer who was benefiting from a government land swap that Reid supported" is probably Harvey Whittemore, a Nevada lobbyist with financial ties to Reid's sons and his campaigns. I wrote about this last August on my blog and in a column for the New York Post. Reid intervened on a number of occasions for Whittemore so that he could get his hands on federal land for a massive development project. The only thing that we couldn't see was whether Reid personally gained from this transaction, because at the time, all we had was Whittemore's employment of Reid's kids and his campaign contributions. This new story closes the loop. Now we see that Reid personally profited from his interventions on Whittemore's behalf, at least indirectly, and that he took pains to cover it up. It's complicated, but it stinks. I've started breaking it down on this post.
    Link to article.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#21)
    by Che's Lounge on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 07:20:54 AM EST
    This should get the same play as Hastert's land deals in IL. Remember those?

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#19)
    by Slado on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 07:23:02 AM EST
    Seriously. This stinks just as much as the Delay/Abramoff stuff, as much as the Foley stuff and as much as the Jeffers stuff. If Big Tent and TL want to throw out all the stops to make the same excuses repulicans made for their trips to Scotland then just say your a partisan and leave it at that. Why do you guys only presume innocence for murderers, terrorists and democrats?

    ''This Foley issue bothers a lot of people, including me,'' Bush said... ''When they get in that booth, they're going to be thinking about, you know, how best to secure the country from attack and, you know, how best to keep the economy growing,'' he said. He, you know, wishes, you know, that were, you know, the case. The only way they can hope to make people forget is to pull a Democrat scandal out of thin air. --Bush Hearts Hasturd And, coincidence of coincidences, the AP's John Solomon does his tooth fairy trick, and for the third time in six months invents a hit piece on Reid. Who woulda thunk it?
    Reid made a $700,000 profit on the sale, not $1.1 million. Also, the story, by the AP's John Solomon, makes it sound as if Reid got money for land he didn't own. But that's not the case. It's not the first time that Solomon has published a misleading story about Reid. This is the third such story by Solomon over the past six months. ... On two earlier occasions, Solomon has over-inflated his stories on Reid. There's an old saying in journalism that three examples make a trend. I think we have a trend here. Solomon's apparent weakness for detail is one issue. But most curious is the fact that we live in the muckiest times in recent memory, and yet Solomon, at the helm of the most powerful news agency in the country, persists in roaming the wide ocean of Congressional corruption in a Captain Ahab-like hunt for Reid's ethical missteps.
    --AP's Reid Story Doesn't Add Up RightBlogs Turn Against Bush - Is This the End of the GOP?, except a$$rocket of course. ;-) ---edger

    Gentlemen: Before you critique the post, try and understand the story. Ed Morrissey does not. Del Webb is NOT probably Whittemore. Del Webb is a publicly traded corporation with longtie to Nevada, not just an "Arizona based development company." Del Webb, the person, was a legendary Vegas casino builder and owner. Probably, like some commenters here, Solomon and Morrissey, in their zeal to get Reid, have simply misunderstood the facts and their implications. When Reid is shown to hae acted unethically, I am sure Jeralyn will post about it. What you have now is inexcusably bad journalism and some wishful speculation by Ed Morrissey. Do the work, and then we can see. Right now, solomon and Morrissey don't even have the basic facts straight.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#23)
    by kdog on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 07:37:46 AM EST
    You'd have to look hard and long to find a Senator who isn't up to something shady. I don't doubt Reid may have been up to some shady money dealings...most wealthy people are. Always looking to dodge some taxes. I just think Dems as a whole are 10% less shady than Repubs. But if you're looking for an honest man in that swamp called Washington...good luck.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#24)
    by kdog on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 09:00:40 AM EST
    This stinks just as much as the Delay/Abramoff stuff, as much as the Foley stuff
    I wouldn't go that far...there may be an odor here...but Abramoff and Foley reek like 3 dozen rotten eggs.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#26)
    by Sailor on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 09:22:45 AM EST
    reid always reported ownship of the land. he didn't sellit to his and his partner's LLC, he transferred it and always claimed ownership on senate records. When he sold it he declared that. That isn't the same as Delay/Abramoff using money, bribes, breaking campaign finance laws , etc.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#25)
    by Slado on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 09:27:31 AM EST
    Kdog, I try not to guage stench. Stench is stench. I just find it amusing when stench is graded along partisan lines. I think the repub's smell less bad and you think the dems do? Ridiculous. Also why is the media ignoring the Reid story? What is forgotten is Reid actually hung up on an AP reporter when he tried to get him to clarify. If Frist had hung up on the AP when they asked him about his shady stock dealings can you imagine the coverage? It all stinks.

    Very nice, Jeralyn. But did I at any point suggest that your change was a recent one? This site has nothing to do with crime and injustice unless you can find a political tilt for the story. And no matter what you do, every comments section becomes a conservative vs. liberal argument that is only tangenitally connected to what you or one of your guest bloggers wrote. Even now, in this very thread, you are showing your liberal bias. If any Republican had falsified his ethics accounting for 5 years running, taking a $1.1 million windfall profit on a business deal he conveniently "forgot" to file properly, and then said "if they want me to change something, I will", you'd be jumping all over it, and with just cause. Harry Reid has been caught out doing what far too many politicians do: Making backroom deals with his buddies, allowing his influence to be used to grease deals, and taking large payoffs. But do you care? Oh no, not at all. Harry gets the full benefit of every conceivable doubt about his intentions, and, like John Kerry, gets to play the "I'm too stupid to have done this intentionally" card that you wouldn never allow a Republican to use. Face it Jeralyn, you've become nothing more than a liberal version of the caricature you present of Ann Coulter. Problem is, Ann actually will take a Republican to task when they screw up royally, even it it takes a blue moon and several constellations being in conjunction to get her to do so. You won't even do that; you just play backstop for every idiot with a capital D after his name.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#28)
    by kdog on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 09:50:55 AM EST
    I just find it amusing when stench is graded along partisan lines
    As do I. Both sides of the aisle do it. Part of the reason nothing ever changes in Washington. Also why I'm a registered independent...I wouldn't join or support one of these crooked parties if you paid me. I vote Dem most of the time out of lack of choices. I'd say the media isn't giving this play because...a) there probably isn't much there, this scores low on the shady scale. b) it doesn't involve sex like Foley and c) Reid doesn't wear a ridiculous hat or look like a slimeball like Abramoff.

    Just Paul: That was a despicable attack on Jeralyn. You srayed from a semi-reasonable argument to an outrageous false right wing attack on Jeralyn in a blink of an eye. As for Reid, Jeralyn wrote not one word about him. That was me. I won't debate a crazed person like your self. See my last post on Hitch to see yourself in the mirror. Jeralyn is a wonderful person who does not deserve to have to read what you wrote. Save you invective for those who might deserve it, me for instance. What you just did is beyond the pale.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#30)
    by Gabriel Malor on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 10:51:41 AM EST
    I think we are all well served by remembering that if we do not like the content on this site we can always leave and create our own. Yes, the posters and commenters here generally lean left, but calling Jeralyn (who didn't even write this post, by the way) a liberal Ann Coulter is simply so far from true that it cannot even contribute to a conversation about whether the treatment of various scandals is evenhanded or unbiased. It's an often-discussed feature of the political blogosphere that bloggers and commenters often see the world through the lenses of their own ideologies and therefore react differently when their own ideological allies are implicated in the day's news. In many cases, we would hope that self-knowledge and conscious decision would lead to unbiased discussion. That's the standard that we try and hold the major newsmedia to and something we hope for on the major blogs that at least purport to be unbiased. On the other hand, there are many situations where evenhanded treatment is not desired--both in print media, television, and in the blogosphere. Obviously this is a spectrum with "Avowed Bias" on one end and "Devoted Evenhandedness" on the other. "Unconscious bias" lands somewhere in the middle. If we're determined to have this debate, we should probably start by asking the bloggers where they desire to be on the scale and then discuss whether they've achieved their goal.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#31)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 11:37:47 AM EST
    sailor - He transferred ownership from himself to the LLC. He may have made nothing on that transaction, but his view was to make money later on, or he wouldn't have done it. The use of and influencing of zoning boards for politicians to make money is a time honored method. To suggest that he did nothing wrong makes all your complaints about the Repubs both hypocritical and laughable.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#32)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 11:44:59 AM EST
    justpaul - Hey bud, time to knock it off. It is TL's blog and she does a great job of keeping the animals in this zoo halfway under control. She does have the self-admitted biases of a defense attorney, and she makes no bones about being a Demo and a Leftie.... see "TalkLeft." But I have found her to be fair and mostly tolerant of dissent. I suggest an apology is in order.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#33)
    by Sailor on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 12:56:53 PM EST
    but his view was to make money later on, or he wouldn't have done it.
    and he reported it when he made money.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#34)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 01:55:34 PM EST
    Sailor - He was supposed to report it. He didn't. That's a no-no. Quit making spectacle of yourself defending the undefendable..

    The only way they can hope to make people forget (about Foley) is to pull a Democrat scandal out of thin air. And it's not working. Like almost everything else the right, the gop, and bush, have tried for the past six years. It's even caught those poor buggers over at NewsBusters with their panties all in a twist: 34 minutes ago: CNN Devotes Almost 20 Minutes to Foley Story; 35 Seconds to Harry Reid Scandal ---edger

    Of course, in all fairness, I'm sure that by tonight all the even handed networks like Fox, for example, will be balancing their coverage. Meybe they'll even start deluding their viewers into thinking that Reid is a Democrat. ;-) You know, the same way their coverage of Foley was fair, balanced, and honest, last week, when Bill O'Reilly did a piece about Mark Foley. This was the graphic. [graphic reads "Mark Foley (D-FL)"] ---edger

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#37)
    by Patrick on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 03:31:07 PM EST
    Edgar, You might be on to something. No more party identifiers, visual or verbal on the part of network and cable news/infotainment. If someone's interested enought they can look it up for themselves. Or figure it our based on the arguments and ideas the person presents.

    Patrick: If someone's interested enought they can look it up for themselves. Or figure it our based on the arguments and ideas the person presents. Good ideas. Though, you know, I rather suspect that if most people did those things we would not be here discussing the current administration. They never would have had a chance at taking power. ---edger

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#39)
    by kdog on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 03:56:54 PM EST
    I'll go one better Pat...no more parties. Every office holder is an independent contractor. Raise their own campaign money, take their own stands, make up their own minds.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#40)
    by Sailor on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 04:16:02 PM EST
    Sailor - He was supposed to report it. He didn't.
    Really? You have links to support that? ... by links I mean links to congressional rules. Not your usual powerline and faux news fantasies.
    Quit making spectacle of yourself defending the undefendable
    pretty funny comingfrom a guy who has been caught lying over and over on this site. Sheesh, in this case even glenn reynolds debunks your lies.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#42)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 05:40:07 PM EST
    Sailor - If you can be bothered to read the post, and the links provided, you wouldn't be making yourself look so inept. Ever chew bubble gum and walk?
    Kent Cooper, a former Federal Election Commission official who oversaw government disclosure reports for federal candidates for two decades, said Reid's failure to report the 2001 sale and his ties to Brown's company violated Senate rules. "This is very, very clear," Cooper said. "Whether you make a profit or a loss you've got to put that transaction down so the public, voters, can see exactly what kind of money is moving to or from a member of Congress." "It is especially disconcerting when you have a member of the leadership, of either party, not putting in the effort to make sure this is a complete and accurate report," said Cooper. "That says something to other members. It says something to the Ethics Committee." Other parts of the deal _ such as the informal handling of property taxes _ raise questions about possible gifts or income reportable to Congress and the IRS, ethics experts said.
    Prove the expert wrong Sailor. Make yourself look even worse...

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#44)
    by Sailor on Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 08:39:24 AM EST
    so you can't provide links to where it is against the congressional rules.

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#43)
    by Slado on Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 08:39:52 AM EST
    Well it looks like the main stream media is catching on to the story because even they realize it makes them look stupid to ignore it. If liberals want to ignore that this is scummy I understand. I want to pretend that Foley running amock in congress for years under the republican watch doesn't make us look bad. If I actually believed that I'd be succuming to my own partisanship. This story effectively kills the "culture of coroption" argument since the story actually involves the man who came up witht he phrase. This election is about Iraq and foriegn policy again. Dems are whimps but Repubs are looking like fools in Iraq. Make your choice. The foley stuff, the corruption etc... are all a sideshow to gin up the base and make headlines. Anyone with a brain knows that both sides cheat when they get the chance. There just happens to be more Repulicans on the Hill to get caught at the moment but every time you think it's the republicans that are the dirty ones someone gets caught hiding money in their basement or making a scummy land deal. I'm with Kdog. They all suck but for me the repubs suck less. I understand that it's spliting hairs and a tough choice. I invite my democratic/progressive/liberal bloggers to put down their partisan sunglasses and stop the culture of coroption nonsense unless you mean the entire congress.

    Slado: This election is about Iraq and foriegn policy again. Dems are whimps but Repubs are looking like fools in Iraq. Make your choice. Looks like the country has. Made their choice, that is. Poll: GOP Losing Edge on Foreign Policy Issues March 17, 2006
    A new poll of likely voters finds that President Bush and his party no longer have the advantage on issues of foreign policy and national security, which they used to dominate. The poll [was] conducted for NPR by a Republican and a Democratic pollster... Republican pollster Glen Bolger says that, from his perspective, the results are a "bunch of ugly numbers."
    And the downward spiral continues. Foreign Policy and the U.S. Midterm Elections Council on Foreign Relations Sept. 27, 2006
    Foreign policy matters are expected to play a significant role in the U.S. midterm elections on November 7. Political experts anticipate a gain by Democrats in the House of Representatives, with Democrats possibly regaining control of the House for the first time in twelve years. They cite dissatisfaction with the war in Iraq and overall U.S. policy in prosecuting the "war on terror... A poll taken by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press in early September shows more than twice as many Americans are preoccupied with foreign or security issues than they are with economic ones, and a number of polls show about 60 percent of the public dissatisfied with various aspects of the war in Iraq. Polls show low approval ratings for both parties in Congress but with President Bush's especially high negatives on the Iraq war...

    Would there be significant policy shifts if Democrats regained control?
    Democrats have signaled that if they reached a majority in one or both chambers, and thus gain chairmanship of defense and other committees, they would mount a campaign looking at oversight of executive branch activities in the past few years. In particular, they say they would examine the administration's use of prewar intelligence and issues such as the Coalition Provisional Authority's handling of funding and reconstruction in Iraq. "No question we're going to get much more aggressive investigations and face-offs with the president...

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#49)
    by Slado on Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 10:40:28 AM EST
    Anonymous, that's the great thing about elections. We'll know in November how the American's electorate feels. I say electorate because the votes of people are the only opinions that count in a democracy. As for Reid here is a link from a new MSNBC (AP) article... Reid The jist of the whole thing can be described in the article... Clark County intended for the property Reid owned to be used solely for new housing, records show. Just days before Reid sold the parcels to Brown's company, Brown sought permission in May 2001 to rezone the properties so a shopping center could be built. Career zoning officials objected, saying the request was "inconsistent" with Clark County's master development plan. The town board in Spring Valley, where Reid's property was located, also voted 4-1 to reject the rezoning. Brown persisted. The Clark County zoning board followed by the Clark County Commission voted to overrule the recommendation and approve commercial zoning. Such votes were common at the time. Before the approval in September 2001, Brown's consultant told commissioners that Reid was involved. "Mr. Brown's partner is Harry Reid, so I think we have people in this community who you can trust to go forward and put a quality project before you," the consultant testified. With the rezoning granted, Patrick Lane pursued the shopping center deal. On Jan. 20, 2004, the company sold the property to developers for $1.6 million. Today, a multimillion dollar retail complex sits on the land. On Jan. 21, 2004, Reid received more than $1.1 million of the sale proceeds. Reid disclosed the money the following year on his Senate ethics report as a personal sale of land, not mentioning Patrick Lane. There it is. Helped, influenced, strong-armed, bribed whatever you choose to call it Reid assisted if you will in getting land re-zoned so he could make lots of money. Slado reports. You decide.

    Helped, influenced, strong-armed, bribed whatever you choose to call it Reid assisted if you will in getting land re-zoned so he could make lots of money. So? I can see that you'd love to have the Reid story be front and center in the media as a manufactured democratic scandal to distract people from the incredible and unbelievable incompetence and political and moral bankruptcy of the gop, but you know what? It just hasn't got the legs. My sincere sympathies, though. See here, and see here. ---edger

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#45)
    by Gabriel Malor on Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 11:18:13 AM EST
    Sailor, Rule 35 of the Senate Ethics Rules says:
    Filers now must indicate outside compensation, holdings, transactions, liabilities, positions held and gifts received on their Financial Disclosure Reports (the ''Reports''). emphasis mine
    Part IIIB requires disclosure of "your distributive share of partnership or joint venture income; gross business income; income from an interest in an estate or trust; and other amounts received as a return on investment." Reid was a member of a re-development partnership which made money on the sale (which exceeded the $200 minimum reporting requirement). He is therefore in violation of this rule, which is codified, by the way, at 5 U.S.C. app. § 102(a)(1)(B). Part IV of Rule 35 requires disclosure of "a brief description, the date, and the category of value of any purchase, sale, or exchange of real property." Reid was required to report the transfer to the re-development partnership which occurred in 2001 because the value of the property exceeded $1000. This section is codified at 5 U.S.C., app. § 102(a)(5).

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#46)
    by Gabriel Malor on Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 11:18:13 AM EST
    Incidentally, I'm more than willing to believe that this was an accidental oversight. Reid has done the best thing he can do--not admit concious error, but allow that an amended disclosure may be necessary. And that pretty much raps it up. The ethics violation is cured because now the public knows of the property transfer and sale. He gets a slap on the wrist and hopefully the discovery of the oversight serves as a deterent to other federal employees whose omissions may be intentional.

    The biggest problem bush, the republicans, and their supporters have, is like the problem of the guy who drops his keys one night inside his car. But his interior light is burned out and he can't see anything inside the car. He can't see. So he walks down the street to the nearest streetlamp, and starts looking around on the ground under the light. A stranger happens by and asks him what he's doing. He says "I lost my car keys, and I'm looking for them". Stranger asks "Where did you lose them?" Guy says "Inside the car, but my interior light is burned out, so I'm looking out here where I can see." === Bush, the gop, and their supporters, seem unable to understand that their problems are problems of avoidance of responsibility, and are caused by themselves. They see all problems as PR issues affecting them and their hold on power. Not as problems and issues of people and the country to be approached and dealt with honestly. Like the guy looking for his keys, they keep looking outside themselves for the answers to problems that are internal. My sincere sympathies. But it will never work. Anymore than denial would work for you, me, or anyone else. ---edger

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#52)
    by jimakaPPJ on Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 01:06:56 PM EST
    slado - Give up. There is nothing you can say. Edger knows the truth, but he will never admit it, even when MSNB reports it. edger quotes:
    "No question we're going to get much more aggressive investigations and face-offs with the president...
    BTW, edger. The Foley story is winding down. The Reid story is just now building.. It has all the elements... Las Vegas, questionable acts of the Zoning Commoission...slight of hand transfer of money... who paid what in taxes and obvious influence from Reid. Well first you have to win. But, God forbid, let's say you do. Now, can you tell me how this will help us with the face with North Korea and Iran? Hamas? Hezbollah? Are you smart enough to see that they will look at history, see what happened when the Left wing of the Demo party took control in '72 and ran out of Vietnam, and merely decide to press harder with car bombs and other terrorist attacks...

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#53)
    by Edger on Fri Oct 13, 2006 at 09:23:58 PM EST
    Now, can you tell me how this will help us with the face with North Korea and Iran? Hamas? Hezbollah? Well, from past experience I'm probably making a mistake here. It won't be the first or last one I ever make. But I'll reply treating this as an honest question from you, rather than just you trolling bait. How will this help? That question has been answered for you repeatedly, ad nauseum, by almost everyone here, as they have offered up, a bit at a time, not just the broad outlines of a liberal worldview and philosophy of dealing with the world and people, but also very specific examples of how they, and I, apply that worldview and philosophy in making choices and value judgements and suggesting courses of action. For as long as I've been here, I've watched you flatly reject every single one of those offerings. Is there something different about today? If so, and you really want an answer, you have it. You're sitting right in front of it. The Talkleft archives and the rest of the World Wide Web - the biggest library ever devised in the history of humanity - of which you have your fingers on the buttons. And the foundation of that liberal worldview:
    "The essence of the Liberal outlook lies not in what opinions are held, but in how they are held: instead of being held dogmatically, they are held tentatively, and with a consciousness that new evidence may at any moment lead to their abandonment."
    --Bertrand Russell
    You might also use this as one first step on a long and winding road. "The wise man travels to discover himself." -- James Russell Lowell

    Re: Instapundit Debunks AP/GOP False Smear of Reid (none / 0) (#54)
    by The Crucible on Wed Oct 18, 2006 at 09:55:36 AM EST
    If we expect to effectively expose the corruption of the GOP, we must demand the same standards for our guys.  Once you start throwing stones about your opponents corruption, you open yourself up to couter attack.  It is justified.  This Reid thing stinks to high heaven.  Specifically his son's involvement in getting protected land re-classified for development.  Isn't it convenient that "book-keeping errors" are always to the financial benefit of the person claiming it?  Does anyone ever make an error in someone else's favor.