
Winona Ryder: What is the DA's Obsession?

Hamster has the latest on the Winona Ryder trial and the absurd amount of resources the DA's office is allocating to it:

"The case is also unprecedented for the sheer amount of resources devoted to a theft charge against a defendant with no criminal history. In the three months before a June court date, the DA's office had one attorney who handled nothing other than preparation for a preliminary hearing on a shoplifting case. To put this in perspective, a typical deputy DA handles 20-30 cases per day, or anywhere from 1,200-1,800 cases in the same time span that that one attorney spent preparing solely for a single pre-trial hearing."

"There are now upwards of eight lawyers working full-time in the frenzied few weeks leading up to next week's trial — a little less than one attorney for every item they allege she stole. It's not like the DA's office doesn't have other important cases to prosecute, either. In fact, the lead deputy DA assigned to Ryder's case is trying to postpone a murder trial so she can fulfill her duties prosecuting a shoplifting charge. "

For us, this answers the question is Ms. Ryder being treated differently because she is a celebrity, with a resounding yes.

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