
Falwell's Comments on Islam Cause Backlash Against Americans

This shows just how dangerous the radical right can be to all of us, not just their extremist followers. From Christian Leaders' Remarks Against Islam Spark Backlash "

"A recent series of disparaging remarks about Islam by the Rev. Jerry Falwell and other evangelical Christian leaders have sparked riots in India, helped religious parties win elections in Pakistan and undermined public sympathy in Islamic countries for the U.S. war on terrorism, experts said yesterday."

"Falwell apologized over the weekend for calling Muhammad, the founder of Islam, a "terrorist" in an interview broadcast Sept. 30 by the CBS News program "60 Minutes." "I sincerely apologize that certain statements of mine . . . were hurtful to the feelings of many Muslims. I intended no disrespect to any sincere, law-abiding Muslim," the Southern Baptist minister said."

"But the damage was done, according to academic specialists. "Jerry Falwell makes a statement, he pleases his constituents, then he says he's sorry and apparently thinks that's the end of it," said Akbar Ahmed, chairman of Islamic studies at American University. "What Americans don't realize is that remarks like this are flashed all over the Muslim world, and they are doing very serious damage to U.S. interests."

Falwell has become an embarassing national liability. We encourage everyone to change channels when his face comes on the screen. Without ratings, there'd be no reason to put him on the news. If the media stopped supplying him with a soapbox, his rantings would be limited to his own website, would receive far less attention and be much less dangerous. We cringe at the thought that people in other countries think he speaks for us.

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