
Hillary Gains Clout in Senate

Political Wire reports on the rise of Hillary Clinton, and Republican fear that she may be a VP candidate in 2004.

We have always been a big supporter of Hillary. We chronicled her 2000 election campaign for U.S. Senate, from September of 1999 through election day of 2000, in a special section we called "Run, Hillary, Run".

We think Hillary should be President rather than Vice-President, although, keeping with our belief that the Dems need to get away from centrist candidates, we'd certainly support a Hart-Clinton ticket. But we suspect she's gunning for 2008, not 2004.

We'd like to see her change her position on the death penalty (like her husband and Al Gore, she supports it), but she is a co-sponsor of the Innocence Protection Act, and that's a good start.

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