
Exile for Hussein vs. War

"Three top Bush administration officials said today they would welcome exile for Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, and one, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, signaled the United States might allow Hussein to escape war crimes prosecution if he voluntarily steps down."

"Today's comments appeared to be a signal to Hussein that a bargain might be in the offing. "To avoid a war, I would personally recommend that some provision be made so that the senior leadership in that country and their families could be provided haven in some other country," Rumsfeld said on ABC's "This Week." "I think that that would be a fair trade to avoid a war."

Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice are also said to support asylum for Hussein. The U.N. Security Council is applying pressure, as are citizens around the world. Some Arab nations are said to be trying to convince Hussein to step down. Perhaps if his safety in another country can be guaranteed to his satisfaction, he'll consider it. It sure beats going to war.

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