
Weekend Reading

Here's our weekend reading list:

The Woman Who Wouldn't Talk
by Susan McDougal

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Whitewater figure Susan McDougal tells about about her experiences being grilled, then jailed for contempt for refusing to give Ken Starr his smoking gun-and she lays on the horrific details with righteous fury.

Down By the River:
Drugs, Drugs, Money, Murder, and Family
by Charles Bowden

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Acclaimed author and journalist Charles Bowden offers a gripping, very disturbing look at the drug trade and international relations between Mexico and the U.S., seen through the tragic killing of the younger brother of a DEA agent and the subsequent investigation. A dramatic detective story and a biting critique of the U.S. war on drugs.

And, due out Feb. 4, but you can order it now:

What Liberal Media
by Eric Alterman

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Acclaimed author and journalist Eric Alterman's scathing and witty investigation into who really controls the media. Armed with data and in brisk, light-hearted prose, Alterman exposes the fallacy of the vast left-wing conspiracy that never was.

< Peter Townsend: A Witch hunt? | Freedom Row: Those Freed by DNA Evidence >
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