
Freedom Row: Those Freed by DNA Evidence

Don't miss reading Freedom Row in the New York Times Magazine section today.
"In recent years, DNA evidence has exonerated 123 people in the United States convicted of violent crimes, including 12 who had been on death row. In most of those cases, as with the men photographed on the following pages, the cause of their wrongful conviction was mistaken identification by a victim or eyewitness." "Standard police procedure encourages witnesses to identify suspects through the use of photographs and lineups. This process relies on the assumption of precise visual memory. But through exposure to composite sketches, mug shots, Polaroids and lineups, eyewitness memory can change; victims may think they recognize a face, but it will not necessarily be the face they saw during the commission of the crime."
There are also video clips from "The Innocents," a documentary directed and produced by Taryn Simon, in collaboration with the Innocence Project, featuring interviews with the exonerated prisoners profiled in the magazine.

We wrote an article for non-lawyers explaining wrongful convictions and eyewitness testimony a few years ago that is still available here.

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