
Faith-Based Overload

Law Professor Glenn Reynolds says a school in Tennessee is violating the Establishment Clause of the U.S. and Tennessee Constitutions by requiring students to participate in Christian revival meetings during school hours.
For a school system to get this involved in promoting religious activity during school hours is to create an "establishment of religion" in violation of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Attorney General Ashcroft has made religious discrimination a priority for the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. It's time he has said, to end bigotry against people of faith. Unless Ashcroft only meant "people of Christian faith," this looks like a good case for an investigation.
We agree. We had a feeling when Ashcroft started his morning prayer breakfasts with his staff at the Justice Department, and Bush introduced his born-again Christianity into his speeches, that it wouldn't be long before they tried to sneak it into our secular institutions. Now we have Bush promising money for "faith based" drug programs and Ashcroft looking the other way when it comes to programs like the one in Tennessee. Christian fundamentalism cannot be allowed to become mainstream. Let's vote these guys out in 2004 and take back our Constitution.

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