
False Memories and Science Writers

Calpundit picks up on the False Memory experiments that Memory and Eyewitness Identification Diva Elizabeth Loftus disclosed yesterday during her presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Denver. We wrote about this yesterday here, and quoted an AP article that has some additonal examples of experiments demonstrating the phenomenon.

We also mentioned we were going to attend the party for the science writers and would report back. It was really a lot of fun. We went with Elizabeth around 7 (we've been good pals since we worked together on the memory and eyewitness aspects in the McVeigh case) and stayed until midnite. It turned out to be a press party--one not for the writers of the scientific articles and journals, but for the international press who writes about them, i.e., journalists. At least a few hundred of them.

Most of the reporters we met were from Europe--many from Germany.

Not knowing too much about science, and it being the day after the massive anti-war protests here and in Europe, we decided to play journalist with them and query them about the war. At first they didn't want to render an opinion, protesting they were journalists and not supposed to take sides, but after a few drinks, most loosened up and we soon had the liveliest table in the huge room. (There was a dj, dance floor, non-stop mexican food and open bar.)

We sported a tiny black and white "peace" button on our lapel, that turned out to be a conversation opener. After getting "hems and haws" as a response when we first broached the subject, which we attributed to politeness, we pointed to our button. Without exception, once the writers knew that was our position, they lit up with smiles and started talking.

Suffice it to say that not one of those we spoke to wanted the U.S. to start this war, had a favorable opinion about Bush, or thought it would solve our terrorist problems. Many resented the U.S. forcing the world into war and said it was doing so by playing on past loyalties and debts. The Germans in particular said they were very grateful to the U.S. for getting rid of Hitler and helping their country out financially, but at some point the debt should be declared repaid and calling for them to join in the war on Iraq was over and above what they have to do in payback.

As for Elizabeth Loftus, she's doing great at her new home at UC Irvine--in our post yesterday, we struggled with characterizing her as a "diva" or a "guru" of memory and eyewitness identification, and ended up using "guru." We took a vote on which word suited her better at the table last night, and it was 10 to 0 with all ten, including Elizabeth, voting for Diva instead of guru. So from now on, we will refer to her as Diva.

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