
Chicago Sheriff's Office Out of Control

The Chicago Tribune blasts the Cook County Sheriff's Office over the beatings of inmates, calling it "out of control" and "a cesspool."
Cook County Sheriff Michael Sheahan's operation is out of control. His undisciplined sheriff's and correctional staff have been caught up in so many incidents of brutality, wrongdoing, falsification of reports and otherwise inappropriate behavior that the only way to count them is by the number of taxpayer dollars that are shelled out in their wake for legal settlements.

Sheahan refuses to learn from past mistakes. He refuses to fix serious, life-threatening problems that are stunningly obvious to everyone but him and his legion of lapdogs....

The Cook County Board has had to shell out millions in civil settlements and attorneys' fees defending county correctional officers and sheriff's police for their on- and off-duty antics.
The sad part is nothing is likely to come of the investigaton and Internal Affairs report, other than some "slaps on the wrist." The Tribune is right, this guy has to go.

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