
Gary Hart Joins Former Senators In Opposing War in Iraq

Gary Hart has signed onto a statement by a bipartisan group of former Senators opposing war in Iraq.

The group of former senators includes Former United States Senators George McGovern of South Dakota, John Culver of Iowa, Paul Simon of Illinois, Adlai Stevenson III of Illinois, Fred Harris of Oklahoma, Dale Bumpers of Arkansas, Charles Mac Mathias of Maryland, Bill Hathaway of Maine, John Tunney of California, Gary Hart of Colorado, Howard Metzenbaum of Ohio, and James Abourezk of South Dakota.

It's a great statement, go read the whole thing.

Gary Hart was on CNN's Crossfire last night, showing once again he is clearly capable of leading the country. Here's the transcript. His last speech before deciding is Tuesday in Los Angeles. Details here. Send him an email and tell him to run-- info@garyhartnews.com.

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