
Richard Perle and the U.N.

Lisa English of Ruminate This is all over Richard Perle, Bush's "Svengali" and his comment expressing relief that the U.N. is "dead."
Who is Richard Perle? Well, he's chairman of the Defense Policy Board, an advisory panel that reports to the Pentagon, and he's a member of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) - the same outfit that drew up that blueprint for US world domination. But more importantly, Richard Perle is among a handful of neoconservatives who are guiding George Bush through the twists and turns of an Iraqi campaign that some believe could fairly be called an exercise in international war crimes. Perle doesn't care about all that blather. He has little regard for the international community, anyway.
Not to mention, Lisa says, he's a "loose cannon." Just what we need right now.

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