
The Iraqi Immigration Sweep

We just don't like the sound of "Operation Liberty Sweep" one bit. Here's how it works:
The sweep, a joint operation between the FBI and Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, is aimed at Iraqis whom federal agents have identified as living in the country illegally and who "might pose a threat to the safety and security of the American people," according to a statement announcing the operations in Colorado as well as dozens of similar ones throughout the country.

Federal law enforcement officials said they could not release the total number of Iraqis who would be detained nationwide but emphasized they would be arrested on immigration-law violations rather than charges directly connected to security or terrorism.

The arrests are part of a larger mobilization of federal law enforcement that began Monday ....Known as "Operation Liberty Shield," the immigration sweep will include voluntary interviews with as many as 11,000 Iraqis across the country in an effort to glean intelligence and prevent terrorist attacks in the United States.
Here in Colorado, the feds plan to "interview" approximately 150 Iraqis. Most of them came here in the late 80's to early 90's, seeking political asylum. Most of them already oppose the Iraqi regime, that's why they came here in the first place. So why are we arresting them as threats when all they've done is overstay a visa?

When the U.S. did this to Iranian students back in the 70's, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed it, finding it was not a discriminatory application of the immigration laws.

Nonetheless, these are round-ups of people who have not committed a crime. They are being selectively targeted because of their national origin. While the U.S. may have every legal right to deport them, it should not single them out solely because we are at war with their home country. Whether here legally or not, once here, they are also entititled to equal protection and due process under the law. This is racial, ethnic and religious profiling at its worst.

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