
Comments and Trolling

For those of you trolling TalkLeft, please be aware we will do an instant deletion and ip banning so you can't come back, as soon as we become aware of it. Thanks to Patrick A. who just advised us of one such attempt on our Shock and Awe Post--the troller was upset he couldn't leave his messages at Atrios.

Initially we thought our comments took too long to register, and people were just clicking more than once thinking their comment hadn't gone through. But it's clear to us there is also some trolling going on.

The newest version of MT (2.63) allows us to close the comments to a particular post at any time, while choosing to delete or leave previous comments. We are vigorously making use of this feature.

We're getting upwards of 150 comments and emails a day, just on talkleft (we also get that amount on our work email), so we may miss some. Please send us an email if you spot one we've missed.

We know emotions run high on the war, and there are conservatives who read and post here. All are welcome to engage is dialogue here, even heated debate. But foul language, gratuitous slams, anti-semitism and trolling is not tolerated. So fair warning.

Also, while we're on the topic of comments, please put any url's in html format or we will delete them because they skew the comment box and sometimes the whole site. Instructions are available in the comment box itself.

And for readers who are also writers, please don't put the entire text of long articles in the comments. We can't afford the bandwith and they discourage readers from scrolling down to later comments. Thanks.

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