
The Cost of the War

ABC News has an article today on the possible cost of the war and the added strain to the U.S. economy.

The Administration hasn't said what it will cost yet, estimates are between $40 billion and $100 billion. Not a penny of it was included in Bush's recent deficit budget. Here are some other estimates:
How expensive the fighting part of the war is depends on the intensity of battle and how long it lasts. The estimates range from $18 billion for a one-month war to $85 billion for a six-month war. Sound expensive? It's probably the cheap part.
The real cost could be in the post-war occupation of Iraq.
Already the Pentagon has authorized $900-million for post-war rebuilding in Iraq, including the rebuilding of roads and bridges, the building of schools, hospitals and homes, and the repairing of the electrical grid and other utilities. "We're talking about as much as $50 billion a year for 10 years," adds Meyer. "Well, you can see that gets very expensive and dwarfs dramatically the cost of the combat phase."

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