
FBI: 5,000 Iraqis in U.S. Interviewed

The FBI reports it has interviewed 5,000 Iraqis in the U.S. since last month. The FBI says the interviews are voluntary. 30 interviewees have been arrested and detained afterwards, although none have been charged with a crime.
Although the FBI says it is not using the interviews to arrest large numbers of Iraqis, two law enforcement officials speaking on condition of anonymity said about 30 have been detained on immigration charges since the program began last week.

Late last month, Attorney General John Ashcroft gave the FBI and U.S. marshals authority to arrest people on immigration charges.

Some of those held are people the FBI had under surveillance and decided to apprehend when hostilities with Iraq began, the officials said. None had been charged with any terrorist plot, espionage or any other criminal offenses, the officials said.
Here are the reasons that many civil liberties and immigration groups object to the singling out of Iraqis for these interviews.

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