
Ashcroft's Expanded Spying Power

In the wake of the Supreme Court refusal to examine the FISA Review Court's approval of expanded spy powers for Ashcroft, the American Civil Liberties Union is calling upon Congress and the Courts to provide greater oversight.

The ACLU also disclosed today that, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA,) it has received documents establishing that Aschroft is bypassing the courts to exercise his authority to force banks, Internet service providers, telephone companies, and credit agencies to turn over their customers’ records.

You can read about the surveillance in the Post-Patriot Act age and the ACLU's FOIA/Patriot Act lawsuit here..

As to what you can do to stop this unwarranted, ill-advised expansion of spy power without judicial oversight, go here.

< FBI: 5,000 Iraqis in U.S. Interviewed | Iraq: Muslim Law Trumps Geneva Convention >
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