
Oklahoma Set to Execute Juvenile Offender

The state of Oklahoma is scheduled to execute Scott Hain, a juvenile offender, on April 3 for the 1987 murders of Michael William Houghton and Laura Lee Sanders in Tulsa. Hain, who is white, was 17 years old at the time of the crime, and had no prior history of violence.

The mitigating evidence in Hain’s case makes his pending execution an embarrassment to the state of Oklahoma and the United States as an nation. His upbringing clearly contributed to his poor decision-making, as did the substance abuse troubles he endured as a result of exposure to drugs and alcohol at an extremely young age. Hain’s father, a heavy drinker himself, introduced him to marijuana when he was 9 or 10 years old, and physically abused him as a child. His mother, meanwhile, was under court-ordered treatment for alcoholism.

At age 8, Hain suffered sexual abuse from his babysitter, another traumatic event that damaged him for years to come. He dropped out of school at age 13, punctuating a poor education career. As a teenager, his father involved him in a burglary and theft, and he eventually spent time in juvenile detention for property offenses (however, he had no record of violence). At age 17, after leaving a juvenile facility, he lived on the streets, and struggled with drug and alcohol abuse – a problem he inherited from his family. He then met Robert Lambert, who was 4 years older than he, and they became involved in criminal activities in order to buy drugs.

Hain’s story represents the tragedy of the death penalty system in the United States. His upbringing, over which he had no control, clearly misdirected his moral compass and encouraged him to engage in a life of substance abuse and crime. Before he even reached the age in which this society recognizes people as adults, the state of Oklahoma sentenced him to death.

....Aside from possible U.S. Supreme Court intervention, Hain has an opportunity to convince the Oklahoma Pardon and Board and Gov. Brad Henry to commute his sentence to life in prison without the possibility of.

Hain goes before the Pardon and Board Monday, March 31. Please write the state of Oklahoma and request clemency for Scott Hain.
Here's how.
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