
Gary Hart Speaks Out Against War

Gary Hart spoke out against the war in New Hampshire yesterday.
Former U.S. Sen. Gary Hart returned to New Hampshire yesterday and said the United States is not ready for terrorist attacks that may result from the war on Iraq.

Speaking to about 100 students and faculty at the University of New Hampshire, Hart said Islamic fundamentalists may use the war as an excuse to wage Sept. 11-type terrorist attacks on the United States.

"This country is not prepared for a terrorist attack," Hart said. "We do not have enough security at the state and local levels."

...He said the Council of Foreign Relations Task Force on National Security, which he co-chairs, warned the Clinton administration of a terrorist attack on U.S. soil as early as Sept. 15, 1999. The Bush administration was told the same thing, he said.

"We were warning the Bush administration of an attack well before it happened," Hart said.

While he encouraged people to treat returning U.S. soldiers with respect, Hart spoke out strongly against the war.

"The Constitution of the United States does not constitute us to overthrow another government unless provoked," he said. "And the Iraq situation is not one of those cases."

....He also spoke against sanctions.

"Sanctions are not a viable means of preventing the creation of weapons of mass destruction," Hart said. "There will be at least 20 countries in coming years that will have the capabilities to make these weapons. Some of them will most likely be ruled by dictators."
For more on Hart and his positions go to GaryHartNews.com

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