
Late Afternoon News

An explosion rocked Kuwait City a few hours ago--it may have been a missle shot from Iraq gone awry. It is not known if there are injuries or fatalities yet.

Here's the latest:

• A missile struck a shopping mall in Kuwait City early Saturday, Kuwaiti authorities said
• Explosions rocked Baghdad early Saturday, Information Ministry may have been hit
U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warns Syria that the U.S. considers military shipments to Iraq a "hostile act"
• Rumsfeld also warned that armed Iranian "proxies" operating in Iraq will be treated as combatants

Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz admitted Friday that military officials may have underestimated "the number of execution squads" and the scope of deceptive tactics such as fake surrenders that Iraqi fighters have employed against coalition forces and Iraqi civilians.

A Turkish plane flying from Istanbul to Ankara has been hijacked to Greece. BBC reports that three Turkish parliament members may be on board.

Two Iraqi attacks on U.S. interests overseas have been thwarted.

Earlier today, an explosion hit a Baghdad market killing 50 civilians. Arab tv reports it may have been a U.S. missile.

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