
U.S. Orders 4 to 6 Day Pause in Ground War

Reuters News is reporting that the U.S. has ordered a 4 to 6 day pause in the push to Northern Iraq due both to supply shortages and strong Iraqi resistance.
Use of gas-guzzling armored vehicles has been restricted to save fuel and food is also in short supply. In one frontline infantry unit, for instance, soldiers have had their rations cut to one meal packet a day from three.
The airstrikes reportedly will continue during this period.

Update (Sat.3/29 8:00 am): BBC reports central command denies there will be a pause in "operations in Iraq." Reuters update says "Senior commanders at their Gulf headquarters in Qatar said, however, that there would be no pause in the overall air and ground campaign to overthrow Iraqi President Saddam Hussein."

Four U.S. Marines have been killed in a suicide bombing by an Iraqi taxi driver near Nageef.

Sean-Paul is back with the up to the minute chronology of events at the The Agonist.

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