
Laci Peterson Media Coverage

Cursor is all over the media's obsession with the Laci Peterson case today, even linking to one of our posts from over a month ago, Guilt Sells.

We think the coverage is excessive, but we continue to be part of it. Why? Is this what we went to law school for? To repetitively cover the murder of one woman when there are thousands of murders every year that get no coverage because the victims were neither attractive, white nor in possession of a winsome smile?

In a sense, yes. We do it to remind people of the presumption of innocence, and to try to stem the media lynch-mob mentality that has convicted Scott Peterson when there is not a shred of physical evidence in the public domain linking him to the crime.

This is a death penalty case. Peterson is entitled to a level playing field when his trial starts. Can you imagine sitting in a jail cell, innocent, having just lost your wife and your soon-to-be born son, and facing a death penalty trial? That's how you should be picturing Scott Peterson now. He's entitled to that as are all persons accused but not convicted of crime.

As long as the prosecutrix pundits are out there proclaiming his guilt , we'll be out there doing our part to preserve and protect his constitutional rights--including the most basic one, the right to a fair trial by an impartial jury.

Tonight, Hannity and Colmes....debating OJ former prosecutor Marcia Clark.

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